
In this section, we document how the functionality of RandomMatrixDistributions.jl can be used to investigate a few standard exampled in random matrix theory.

Spectrum of a Spiked Wishart

In this example, we explore the spectral distribution of a spiked Wishart matrix. This is a matrix of the form $XX'$, where $X$ is a $p \times n$ matrix whose columns are independent $X \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \Sigma)$, where $\Sigma = I + H$, where $H$ is a low-rank symmetric non-negative definite matrix.

The entries of $X$ can be real or complex, and this is determined by the Dyson parameter $\beta$. For this example, we will stick to real entries, setting $\beta = 1$.

We set our parameters, taking $H$ to have non-zero eigenvalues of $0.5, 2, 3$. These are the "spikes" of the spiked Wishart distribution.

The SpikedWishart type encodes the distribution of $XX'$, and we can compute the corresponding eigenvalue distribution with EigvalDist: Setting scaled = true gives the distribution of $XX'/n$, which is the sample covariance matrix of $X$. The scaling is chosen so that the eigenvalue spectrum converges to an appropriate limiting distribution.

using RandomMatrixDistributions

n = 200
p = 100
beta = 1
spikes = [0.5, 2, 3]

dmat = SpikedWishart(beta, n, p, spikes, scaled = true)
deig = EigvalDist(dmat)
matrixdist: SpikedWishart(beta=1, n=200, p=100, spikes=[0.5, 2.0, 3.0], scaled=true)

We can sample from deig as we would from any Distributions.jl-style distribution. In the following, I explicitly supply an object of type AbstractRNG, but if left unspecified, the sampler will use Random.default_rng()

using Random
λs = rand(MersenneTwister(0), deig)
100-element Vector{Float64}:

We can also compute various limiting distributions from EigvalDist-type objects. For example, the bulk_dist function computes the limiting bulk (or spectral distribution).

In this case, the limit is taken as $n, p \rightarrow \infty$ in such a way that $p/n = \gamma$ is fixed.

dspec = bulk_dist(deig)

To see this behavior more explicitly, let's plot our sampled eigenvalues together with the limiting bulk distribution:

using Plots, Distributions
histogram(λs, bins = 30, normed = true, legend=false)
plot!(x -> pdf(dspec, x))

The two eigenvalues outside the bulk are the supercritical spikes. Since the smallest spike of $0.5$ is smaller than $\sqrt{\gamma}$, it doesn't emerge from the bulk and is called subcritical.

The supercrit_dist function can be used to compute the approximate distribution of the supercritical eigenvalues. In this case, they are independent Gaussians, which are biased versions of the corresponding population spikes of $2$ and $3$:

dim: 2
μ: [3.75, 4.666666666666667]
Σ: [0.039375000000000014 0.0; 0.0 0.07555555555555556]

Largest eigenvalues of a GUE

The largest eigenvalue of a GUE matrix has a Tracy-Widom limiting distribution. In particular, if $\lambda_1$ is the largest eigenvalue of an $n \times n$ GUE matrix, then $n^{2/3}(\lambda_1 - 2) \stackrel{\mathrm{d}}{\rightarrow} \mathrm{TW}(2)$, where the $2$ in $\mathrm{TW}(2)$ denotes the Dyson parameter, as is appropriate for the complex entries of the GUE.

To repeatedly sample $\lambda_1$ values, we use the randeigstat function. It takes as arguments a random matrix distribution (a GUE matrix is a Wigner matrix with $\beta = 2$ and no spikes), a function of a matrix argument, and the number of samples.

For the function to work correctly, the function of a matrix argument must be an eigenvalue statistic - that it, it should depend only on the eigenvalues of that matrix. For example, eigmax computes the largest eigenvalue of a matrix, and so is an eigenvalue statistic.

This is implemented in this way rather than explicitly requiring that the eigenvalue statistic be specified explicitly as a function of the eigenvalues, since often this would lead to unnecessary computation. For example, the trace is an eigenvalue statistic, but can be evaluated very quickly without computing eigenvalues.

In the following, we sample 1000 realizations of $n^{2/3}(\lambda_1 - 2)$:

using RandomMatrixDistributions

n = 500
reps = 1000

d = SpikedWigner(2, n, scaled = true)
λs = randeigstat(d, eigmax, reps)

λs_scaled = n^(2/3) * (λs .- 2)
1000-element Vector{Float64}:

RandomMatrixDistributions implements TracyWidom(β) according to the Distributions.jl-style API. We can plot its pdf to compare to the histogram of the scaled $\lambda_1$s using the pdf function inherited from that package.

using Plots, Distributions

histogram(λs_scaled, normed = true, bins = 100)
plot!(x -> pdf(TracyWidom(2), x))

Other relevant methods from Distributions.jl are also implemented, including the quantile function. In the following, we make use of this in order to produce a QQ-plot of our sample against the Tracy-Widom distribution.

To this end, we evaluate the Tracy-Widom quantiles at k/(reps + 1) for k = 1, ..., reps:

quantile_positions = (1:reps)/(reps+1)
TW_quantiles = quantile(TracyWidom(2), quantile_positions)

The QQ-plot is then just a plot of our sorted sample against these theoretical quantile. Adding a red line with slope 1 and intercept 0 demonstrates the close agreements between the theoretical and sample quantiles:

    TW_quantiles, sort(λs_scaled),
    xlabel = "TW(2) theoretical quantiles",
    ylabel = "Scaled largest eigenvalues",
    legend=false, markersize=2, seriescolor=nothing)


Speed comparisons for eigenvalue computations

Sampling from EigvalDist-type distributions is done internally by sampling a banded matrix whose eigenvalues have the same distribution as those of a corresponding dense matrix, and using the functionality of BandedMatrices.jl to efficiently compute the eigenvalues of the resulting matrix.

In te following example, we compare the resources used for sampling a dense $500 \times 500$ GOE matrix, and then computing its eigenvalues to those used when directly sampling from the corresponding EigvalDist-type distribution:

using RandomMatrixDistributions, LinearAlgebra
dist = SpikedWigner(1, 500)
@time eigvals.(rand(dist, 200))
@time rand(EigvalDist(dist), 200)
  5.332486 seconds (2.98 M allocations: 2.440 GiB, 10.95% gc time, 24.59% compilation time)
  1.088580 seconds (496.22 k allocations: 27.179 MiB, 8.89% compilation time)

Julia computes the eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices efficiently by reducing to a tridiagonal form, so there sampling a tridiagonal matrix directly improves the running time by a constant factor. On the other hand, there is a serious gain in terms of allocations, as the representation of a banded matrix requires $O(n)$ in comparison to the $O(n^2)$ required for a dense matrix.

We demonstrate this by sampling eigenvalues of GOE matrices using both methods with increasing values of $n$. The results are plotted on a log-log plot, since resourse use in all cases is of the form A n^\kappa:

nvals = 50:50:1000
reps = 100

times = Array{Float64}(undef, length(nvals), 2)
allocs = Array{Float64}(undef, length(nvals), 2)

for (i, n) in enumerate(nvals)
    d = SpikedWigner(1, n)

    dense = @timed eigvals.(rand(d, reps))
    times[i,1] = dense.time
    allocs[i,1] = dense.bytes

    banded = @timed rand(EigvalDist(d), reps)
    times[i,2] = banded.time
    allocs[i,2] = banded.bytes

For matrices with $r$ spikes, the running time and number of allocations required to compute the eigenvalues of a banded representation scales linearly in $r$, as we see in the following:

spikenums = 2:2:50
n = 500
reps = 200

times = Array{Float64}(undef, length(spikenums), 2)
allocs = Array{Float64}(undef, length(spikenums), 2)

for (i, numspikes) in enumerate(spikenums)
    d = SpikedWigner(1, n, ones(numspikes), scaled=false)

    dense = @timed eigvals.(rand(d, reps))
    times[i,1] = dense.time
    allocs[i,1] = dense.bytes

    banded = @timed rand(EigvalDist(d), reps)
    times[i,2] = banded.time
    allocs[i,2] = banded.bytes